4-Step Treatment for Anorgasmia

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Dr Charles Runels, (the “Orgasm Doctor”) explains a “4-Step Treatment for Anorgasmia”…



Hello. I’m Charles Runels. I’m a physician who has for over the past 25 years taken care of over 10,000 women, and I’m here to talk to you about what I consider to be a very serious, very disturbing problem that some women suffer with. Around one in 10 called anorgasmia, or anorgasmic. An as in no orgasm.So you might think, well, no orgasm. Not a big deal. You just don’t get that pleasure, but you still have the pleasure of relationships, and you still have the pleasure of sex.

The problem is that research shows, and what I have seen, not just the research, but when I see women crying in front of me, saying, “I want, I love my husband dearly. My lover, he’s my lover, he’s my best friend, and we want to experience an orgasm together, but I’ve never had an orgasm in my life. I cannot have an orgasm, ever. Can’t have one.”

And that is really bothersome. It’s not just bothersome because they’re lacking the pleasure. They want that experience, and research shows that sexual dysfunction to the point to where it’s distressing the woman, it makes her feel broken. Even though she might have a healthy body, she might be brilliant with her career, a wonderful wife and mother, still, that’s a part of her psychology, part of her physical thing that’s broken. It’s like, it’s an analogy, if you have a car, everything’s perfect, but one window won’t roll down. And that one thing is broken, and so the rest of the car is great, but that part is not working properly.

So maybe not a good analogy, but still, if you have a part of your psychology that’s that important, and it’s not just the pleasure part. We know that when people have an orgasm, there’s a bond that takes place. There’s an opening. There’s even one research study that shows that men who are on a ship, as a, in the Navy, who are exposed only to men, by having an orgasm, some of them become … They start having sex with men because that’s all that’s available, and by having orgasms with a man, they then become attracted to that man. There’s a bonding that happens with an orgasm.

Whatever is presented to you when you have an orgasm, because there’s this release of oxytocin and all these things happening with prolactin, and who knows what-all, because the pituitary gland makes over 200 hormones. 200. So when you go to your doctor, and they measure six or seven or eight or even 10 hormones, we’re still really in kindergarten about what’s going on here when there’s sexual attraction, when there’s sexual arousal, when there’s an orgasm.

This is not the end of the world, but no orgasm is something to be taken very, very seriously. So what are the treatments for it. First of all, it is helpful to have at least an understanding. So a sex therapist, a sex educator, there’s a wide variety of skillset and understanding here, and so this can be helpful.

There’s a … What I’ve seen with my patients and with my own personal life is that once a woman has an orgasm, it’s sort of like if you go to the forest, and you see a path, if people are walking down the same area, the path becomes smooth. But before there’s a path, it might be difficult to walk in an area where there’s no path.

We now know there are neurological pathways that are associated with an orgasm, and what I’ve seen is that once a woman finds that, and she breaks through the brush of what’s limiting her from having an orgasm, then the path becomes more open, and it becomes so much easier to have the second and the third, and by the time she’s had several orgasms, it becomes easier and easier and easier. But getting to that first orgasm can be very frustrating. And to make it even more frustrating, trying to get there seems to limit the ability to get there.

So there needs to be a letting go and a surrender, which doesn’t sound politically correct, but it has to be a surrender of the woman’s body to the process of her body functioning in that way. Try to imagine urinating and trying to keep from urinating at the same time. It’s another bodily function. To urinate or to defecate, you have to let it go. And again, it may not be the most glamorous analogy, but you can’t let go and hold back at the same time.

Now a woman can drive herself mad trying to figure out how to let go and trying to get there at the same time, but that’s where a therapist and certain exercises and educational processes that can be done with the woman and her lover that we aren’t born knowing. These specialists are trained to help in that arena, and I highly recommend that you consider consulting with one who is licensed in this area. Not just some person, but someone who’s properly trained and licensed.

Now, so how can we break through and get to that path. Another thing that’s very, very important, and like I said, I’ve done research in this area. Over 25 years of taking care of women, and embarrassingly, too many lovers, and what I can tell you is that from seeing all this that it’s very, very difficult for a woman to have arousal or orgasm without a hormone. And you might think it might be estrogen or progesterone. It’s not. The main hormone for orgasm is without a doubt testosterone, and thankfully, due to Suzanne Somers and others who have made this more widely known. I’m very grateful to her, because doctors can do the research, but oftentimes it takes a celebrity to help make the public aware, and that’s one of, I think, their great function, is that they have a wide audience, and they can help educate people.

And Suzanne Somers did a lot to educate people about how women need testosterone. The part of the vagina that’s called the introitus, the part that you go as you … So you have the labia on the outside. So if you’re looking at a vagina, you got urethra and the labia minora and the labia majora and the clitoral hood, and right there is the vagina, okay?

Right here, this area here between the vagina and the labia minora, that is biologically exactly like the inside of the urethra of a man. So the inside of his penis, where the urine comes out, that is biologically the same as this tissue, and it is responsive to testosterone. Testosterone.

Another thing that happens is women on birth control pills, birth control pills, we know it. It’s not a guess, it’s not some of the time. It’s a thing that’s going to happen. If you pour water on you hand it will get wet. If you take birth control pills, a thing that will happen is your testosterone levels will fall.

The reason birth control pills work is it tricks your pituitary gland into not releasing the hormones that stimulate the ovary to make hormones because you don’t ovulate. And so it stops that, but the woman doesn’t have hot flashes, and she still has a menstrual period because the uterus is seeing the hormones that are coming from the birth control pills. All right? You with me?

So birth control pills tells the pituitary gland to quit talking to the ovary. So pituitary gland, here’s pituitary gland up here. Here’s the brain. Pituitary gland makes LH and FSH, and these go to the ovary and tell the ovary to make all these hormones. Estrogen and testosterone, all these things get made. DHEA. Things get made.

Now, when you take birth control pills, see, these feed back until, when they get at the right level, they tell the pituitary gland to quit making so much of this, so there’s a feedback loop. Now, if you take estrogen or some progesterone-like material, and you feed it, and now the pituitary gland sees that, it thinks it’s coming from the ovary, it cuts this off, and so the ovary shuts down, but guess what else turns off? So the ovary quits making so much estrogen because it’s getting it from the birth control pill. So estrogen quits being made, but guess what else quits being made? Testosterone.

There’s a little bit made from the adrenals and from the glands by the kidney, but much of the testosterone level gets cut back, and so that makes the woman not only more susceptible to weight gain and loss of sex drive and migraines, but it also makes her, sometimes there’s actually a syndrome where they start to have pain with intercourse, and often it doesn’t go away when she stops the birth control pills. That research has been done. And it can make some women more difficult to have an orgasm.

So a lot of ladies might start on birth control pills, say, for their acne, or they become … Their menstrual periods are heavy and painful as a teenager, so they start on birth control pills, and in the process, this testosterone drops, and it can make it so the woman never is able to achieve an orgasm, not knowing that her testosterone level is low.

So testosterone is huge, and now that it can be measured, and what you should ask your doctor, to know if your doctor knows what he or she is doing, this is your test to see, they should measure free and total, or measure total, this is even more accurate, and calculate the free by also measuring testosterone binding globulin, or sex binding globulin, so and then they calculate the free.

Now you don’t have to understand all that. All you need to know is this. Did your doctor measure your free testosterone level in some way, and if he or she did not, and you cannot have an orgasm, you should go back and ask your doctor to measure those levels, or ask your doctor to refer you to someone who both will measure them and know what to do with them. Your free testosterone levels should be in the upper 25% of normal, or you’re going to have more difficulty with orgasm and libido more likely.

Doesn’t mean lots of women with a low testosterone having crazy fun sex, but if you’re having trouble, and you need to see if this can be corrected, because correcting it, I’ve seen over and over again can take a woman who’s suffering with these problems, and now all of a sudden, she’s having a crazy, ecstatic, and the word I hear a lot is exploding orgasms. Not exploding as in like a water balloon explodes and leaves the bedroom wet, but exploding like in your mind exploding, with a great ecstasy, and that comes about through testosterone.

There are receptors on the brain tissue for testosterone, in the brain for testosterone, and the brain remodels and becomes more erotic and more susceptible, or receptive, to both arousal and orgasm. So testosterone.

Now, how can … So you’ve seen the therapist, preferably with your lover, and you’re exploring some of the amazing exercises that they can teach you, and you’re taking testosterone, but you still haven’t found the path or created the path. And remember our analogy is you’re in the forest, there’s lots of brush, there’s no pathway, and you have to break through the brush with your first orgasm. And now, once that neural pathway is made in your brain, you go down that path over and over and over again until it’s well worn, and it becomes very easily to go down to this, through this path.

So what are other ways you can get to the path? Another was is with a vibrator. Now vibrators are not a new thing. Actually, ancient Greece, you can find where they had dildos. They weren’t electrically powered. It wasn’t till around the 1940s that we had electrical powered vibrators. Hamilton Beach actually started out, their first product was a vibrator.

So vibrators have been around a long time, and there’s some things that make people, and I’m going to tell you in a second about what I think the best vibrator is to break through and find the path to the first orgasm. But let me tell you first of all another thing that can make the vibrator … Become I get to the vibrator I think is best, let me tell you another thing that might help it work better, it as in your body.

So you got testosterone, you got a therapist, another thing is called our O-Shot, or orgasm shot, o for orgasm, or if you want to keep it G-rated, you can say o for orchid. Think about your labia like an orchid.

So or, o for orgasm. Orgasm shot. Say it. Orgasm. All right? It’s easier to have an orgasm if you’re able to say the word orgasm and not blush. If that makes you blush, practice saying that word. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm. Okay?

Now, O-Shot for orgasm. All that I did, and I was the one to create this procedure, all that I did was say, okay, there’s these process of taking platelets out of the blood stream and injecting them into [hartiel 00:14:20], like the knee, there’s not a lot of blood flow in the knee or the cartilage of the knee, and so orthopedic surgeons, when they have an NFL football player, or veterinarians, when you have a million dollar racehorse, if you want to see what’s working in medicine, you just look at how they take care of million dollar racehorses, or men who make 20 million dollars a year. If you miss a day of work, and you’re making 20 million dollars a year, somebody is paying you, and they’re losing millions of dollars.

So if you want to know what really works, look at what they do for NFL football players, and what they do to make them well from a knee injury is they take the blood out, they extract the platelets, and then they activate those platelets, and the platelets release these rejuvenating growth factors that tell the stem cells to grow new healthy tissue.

That’s a mouthful, but if you want to know what that looks like, imagine when you scraped your knee as a child, there was this crusty yellow material there. It’s called [inaudible 00:15:18] fiber matrix, and what that was, remember, you grew skin back. That told your body to grow the skin back. It didn’t seal up. I grew new skin. That means blood flow, blood vessels, nerves, collagen, everything that makes up skin.

The growth factors that came from those platelets. There’s over 20 of them we know about so far. Chemotactic factors that fight infection, you have, and it whistles for stem cells to come out of the bone marrow, migrate to the area, and then grow into that new tissue to skin. All right?

So it’s not the platelets, it’s what’s in the platelets. So we always thought platelets and that scab was just to keep you from bleeding to death. Nope. It was not just to keep you from bleeding. It’s like a balm, and embedded into that balm, that yellow goo that your mother told you not to pick at, but you did anyway, and that glue is these growth factors that were whistling and activating the stem, whistling for and activating the stem cells, and you grew new skin.

So back to the NFL football players. You can make that goo in five or ten minutes at the bedside by extracting your blood, just like you did when you get your blood drawn for tests at the laboratory to see if you’re anemic or not, and then you put it in a syringe, and it’s your body. It’s your blood. No one’s ever had a serious side effect ever from platelet-rich plasma, and there’s been over 8,000 research papers done about platelet-rich plasma.

We published three so far about how this works with the vagina, but when you inject it, then what happens is the tissue of the vagina rejuvenates, and the nerves wake up, and the blood flow comes in, and the collagen grows, and it becomes healthier. And this alone, we’ve seen around 30%.

Now, here’s the thing. We can get close to 100% for treating stress incontinence with the same shot, the O-Shot. We can get closer to 90% treating lichen sclerosus. For someone who has pain from a episiotomy or a tear from delivering a baby, close to 100%. But for a woman who’s never had an orgasm, the O-Shot alone, it’s about 30 or 40%, with that by itself. Just waking up the vagina.

But, so if we’re still have close to 60% that the O-Shot is not working by itself, then we need other procedures. But I would include make sure that you see a therapist or an educator, that your testosterone, your free testosterone is in the upper 25th percentile, the upper one-fourth percentile, free is calculated by calculating sex binding globulin and total testosterone. If your doctor doesn’t know how to do that, get referred to a doctor who does.

The O-Shot, now you have all this in place, get you a vibrator. If you want to start with a vibrator, that’s fine too. But think about this as sort of a recipe for making the new path.

Now, here’s the thing, and I’m going to tell you about the best vibrator, I think, for making an orgasm, and this is not from … Obviously, I don’t have a vagina, all right? I have a penis. So I don’t know, but how I do know is 25 plus years of talking to women, over 10,000 of them in great detail and measuring their hormones and doing research and having them tell me what happens and how their marriage gets better, so this is not … And also personal experience with lovers.

So this is not me making up something, and this works. It absolutely works, and it will change your life. All right? Back to the thing.

So this is the analogy, because here’s how people go off track. They’ll say, “Well, I got my testosterone fix, and that didn’t work,” as if that was the wrong thing. So why is it not a wrong thing if it didn’t work.

Here’s my favorite analogy for that. Suppose someone said, suppose you had never seen a fire in your life, and someone said, “Hey, you know what? To make a fire, you just need a match.” And you went out, and you struck a match, and you got a little fire. It lasted a few seconds and went away, and you thought, “Uh. That didn’t work very well. I don’t have a fire. It just was there for a second, it’s gone,” and someone else says, “You know, to have a fire, what you need is a big stack of wood.” And so you go throw a bunch of wood down, no fire. And someone says, “No. What you really need is some lighter fluid,” and you go, and you squirt some lighter fluid around, and nothing happens. Well, you’re getting the point, right?

And then finally, someone who knows the whole recipe says, “No, what you really need to do is, listen, you take the wood and you stack that up first. Then you put the lighter fluid, and then you put the match, and you’ll get a fire.”

So here’s the thing. If you do one thing, and it doesn’t work, as in doesn’t work because you’re not seeing the thing happen that you wanted to see happen, as in your first orgasm, breaking through the pathway, it doesn’t mean that doesn’t help. It just means you haven’t found the rest of the recipe that what you need. And it could be that your testosterone level is out the roof, but maybe you have scar tissue from delivering a baby, and so the nerves are damaged. A mid-urethral sling. Now we know those slings you put to help with incontinence, I’m not saying that should never be done, but I can tell you research shows that that interferes with sensation to your clitoris. It can in many women damage the nerve supply to the clitoris. Well, that O-Shot helps grow the nerves back.

So back to this recipe. If you do a thing, and it doesn’t give you the result, it doesn’t mean the thing doesn’t work. Keep doing that thing. Like, if you put down the wood, and you don’t get a fire, it doesn’t mean you don’t use the wood, let’s keep the wood there, and let’s figure out what we need to add to that to make a fire. This, in my opinion, is a pretty good recipe that would cure almost all women and help them find and orgasm.

But if you could leave, you could possibly leave any one of these things out and still not get it. Like, I could put wood and lighter fluid, still not get a fire. I could put a match and lighter fluid and no wood, and I would have a fire for a few seconds, and it would go away. But if I want a blazing, you know, roast marshmallows fire and have sex by the fire with my lover, I need wood, lighter fluid, and a match. I need all three. And in my opinion, this is your recipe to have an orgasm, all right?

So the O-Shot, you can read about elsewhere on the O-Shot website. The testosterone, I just told you what you need. The sex therapist or family therapist. You need someone who’s licensed that doesn’t blush that can talk with you and your lover and help you find exercises you can do, and now, what’s my favorite vibrator to help people find an orgasm?

Now, vibrators are personal, and remember, I don’t have a vagina, so I’m reporting to you from what I’ve heard from my patients, and not just my patients. We now have over 1,000 doctors in 41 countries that I’ve helped train, or people I’ve trained have trained, to use platelet-rich plasma for the O-Shot and some other procedures that I’ve created.

So this is, what I’m about to tell you about this vibrator is from patients, it’s from lovers, and it’s from other doctors around the globe. New Zealand, Taiwan, India, France, Spain, Canada, Mexico, the US, Hawaii, Alaska, and other places. We have physicians in all those places that do the O-Shot, and I’m learning from them as well. Multiple universities. So just want you to know this is not something I’m making up.

So here’s my favorite vibrator now. It may change if something better comes out. Here’s the best one. So it’s an Intensity, and when you take it out of the box, you have a nice little bag here that you can keep it in, and it comes with instructions. You won’t really, you can read them, but you won’t really need that after I show you what you do.

So, comes wrapped up in plastic, and if you’ve never used a vibrator before … The other thing. Wow, that’s a scary looking thing, and I don’t even know what’s going to happen when my children find that on the bedside table. So I don’t know. You have to hide it I guess. But eventually, when they get old enough, you’ll just have to tell them what it is, right? It’s actually been shown that the sooner you talk about sex with your children, the less, the more likely they are to have a healthy sex relationship. So what I would recommend as a guide is when they ask a question, that’s when they’re ready to hear the answer. So you give them an answer as they ask the question and make it safe for them to talk with you.

So here’s the way this works. These little electrodes here, can you zoom in on that? So these metal electrodes here act like a [inaudible 00:24:20] unit, but not to cause tingling. They actually cause an electrical current that causes muscle contraction. So another thing that can help you find an orgasm is to do Kegal exercises to both stimulate, exercise, and become aware of some of the muscles of orgasm. But you can’t do a Kegal on your uterus, which also contracts when you have an orgasm.

What this does, there’s a lot of women, they think they’re doing Kegals, but they’re really not. This, because this causes the muscles to contract, it makes you use the muscles you would normally do when you have an orgasm. Kind of fun, right? So this gel is to make contact with that. So you put a little bit of the gel on here, just a dab, about like that. Just enough to sort of cause it to make contact, okay? You put that on both sides. You don’t need a lot of it. This is not a lubricant. This is not to lubricate your vagina. You could use a different lubrication if you want. This is a contact gel to make it so that there’s electrical, passage of electrical activity from the device into the tissue.

So then, what you do … Actually, the way to think about what this does, if you’ve ever seen those ads in the magazines where you’re supposed to be able to put a little, stick a little wire on you, and it makes your muscles jump, and instead of having to go to the gym, it exercises for you. Well, it really does make the muscles jump. And that’s what this does. It teaches your vagina muscles to jump.

And so you can set the rhythm of that here, and then it also functions as a vibrator. And this little thing called a rabbit, this goes onto the clitoris, and these top two, it’s like a three-pronged hand, like this. And the top two go sort of under the clitoral hood, and the clitoris would fit right in there like that. So that pushes the clitoral hood back, and then this third little thumb finger goes on the clitoris itself, and what’s going to happen is you’ll have your little clitoris sitting in there like that, with these two going under the hood, sort of hold the hood back. And so now you have all three of those little fingers wrapped around the clitoris like that. Isn’t that cool?

So that’s the way it’ll be, so this is clitoris, these are those three little fingers. The clitoral hood would be on top of these fingers like that. Beautiful, beautiful.

Now this is vibrating, this is making your muscles. Now it has a little thing here to pump this up. You can see when I pump that, it gets bigger, like that, and when I push this black button, it deflates it.

So you would pump that up to make contact with the vaginal wall. See that? And this would deflate it. So it’s going to go in like this, and you can see the length of this would be, if your husband’s worried that you’re going to fall in love with your vibrator, husband, if you’re there listening, let me talk with you for a second. What’s going to happen here, obviously this right here, most people have an erection that’s, you know, at least this big. So it’s not like this is going to be suddenly a replacement for your penis. The other thing that’s going to happen is, you’ll find that as your lover learns to not be an or without orgasm, but becomes orgasmic.

She’s not going to fall in love with this. What this does is once this helps her break through the brush, and now she has a path that she can go through and down. Once that happens, [inaudible 00:28:11], once that happens, now it becomes easy for her to find the path, and this can go away, or it could be something that you bring out sometimes.

So this can be a toy. She can be using this while you kiss her. You can be fondling her breast. You know, she can be using this while she’s giving you fellatio. There’s all sorts of scenarios where this becomes part of the bedroom scene, but don’t worry. She won’t leave you for this, and I can promise you, if you become accepting and encouraging about anything that is not dangerous, but yet leads to better health and better relations, even if she has an orgasm from this while she is kissing you, she won’t fall in love with this. She will fall in love with your face if you’re kissing her while she has an orgasm with that, and she will come to associate you with that orgasm, and the path will become easier to find and easier to follow, the neurological pathway up here, and it will come to where she can have the orgasm with you and without that. All right?

So this becomes a pleasurable tool, but it also becomes more importantly a therapeutic method to help all these things work better so you find a deeper relationship. So it’s called an Intensity, and I hope you make it part of your metabolic, psychological bonding way to find a deeper relationship.

I’ve found, you know, I worked in the emergency room for 12 years. I’ve saved lots of lives, but I’ve found nothing more rewarding that saving the relationship of two people in love with each other or helping someone find healing, even if she’s just loving herself.

Lots of women have come to us who have O-Shots who live alone. Sexuality is very empowering, and there’s nothing that says that having an orgasm has to be about a man and a woman. It’s okay for a woman to find sexual energy that then she uses for … Rainer Maria Rilke talked about it being important for the creative process.

Napoleon Hill talked about it being important in his Think and Grow Rich book, about sexual energy helps people make more money or be more creative in their business endeavors. Emerson called sex and beauty the scaffolding of love. So a woman can be in love with herself and should be in love with herself, and it’s okay for her to make love to herself, whether it’s learning how to have an orgasm this way, or after she’s learned, having an orgasm this way, and I hope that you’ll contact us if we can help you further. Contact the physicians if you get an O-Shot. You should make sure, make sure, sure, sure that they are listed as one of our certified providers. We’ve become very, very popular, and a lot of doctors, for some reason, either because of ill-intent or not, just unknowingly, they’ll advertise as if they’re in our provider group when they’re not, and they’re using kits that were not FDA approved for preparing plasma. They don’t understand where we’re putting that plasma, and it’s very offensive. It can hurt women tremendously. I don’t like it. I spend a lot of money on lawyers to shut them down, but still, they’re out there, so before you see someone for an O-Shot, even if they’re combining it with another device, like a laser, or ThermiVa, or radio frequency device. If they’re putting plasma into your vagina, you should make sure they’re certified, or what you’re getting may not be good plasma, and it may be getting put in the wrong place. So be careful with that.

This is precious, precious, sacred, sacred, very important material, and the fact that you have an interest in my ideas is very humbling, and I’m honored, and I hope you will contact us, us as in our organization and me personally, you’ll let me know how this helps you and your relationship with yourself and with your lover.


1. Sex & Family Education

2. Testosterone Levels Corrected

3. O-Shot® Procedure

    • Pelvic Muscle (Kegel) Exerciser
    • Inflatable Shaft
    • 10 Levels Of Muscle Stimulation
    • Clitoral & G-Spot Vibrators
    • 5 Speeds – 20,000 RPM Max
    • 100% Medical Grade Silicone
    • Made In The USA
    • Super Long Battery Life
    • Easy Cleaning
    • Requires 4 AAA Batteries